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Post-disaster recovery efforts in full swing in Sichuan’s flood-hit areas

Post-disaster recovery efforts in full swing in Sichuan’s flood-hit areas

Posted by - July 23, 2024

Power supply to 5,399 households in the flood-hit areas of southwest China's Sichuan Province has been fully restored as of 8am Tuesday, according to the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company. Seven 10kV lines in Sichuan's Hanyuan County have been repaired as part of post-disaster reconstruction work. For safety reasons,...

亲身感受生动真实的中国 “ChinaTravel”花样解锁“新流量”

亲身感受生动真实的中国 “ChinaTravel”花样解锁“新流量”

Posted by - July 22, 2024


Making a push to promote ‘made-in-Shanghai’ brands

Making a push to promote ‘made-in-Shanghai’ brands

Posted by - June 6, 2024

Ti Gong Made-in-Shanghai products on show at Thursday's meeting. The city is taking measures to promote made-in-Shanghai products, gaining interest and attention from Gen-Z consumers as well as international markets, industry officials said on Thursday.Shanghai will promote supply and demand pairing, project landing and overseas expansion to promote domestic and...

Central China province issues second-highest rainstorm alert

Central China province issues second-highest rainstorm alert

Posted by - July 16, 2024

CFP The water level of Baihe River in Nanyang, Henan Province, is seen rising on July 15, 2024. Central China's Henan Province issued an orange alert for rainstorm at 9am Tuesday, the second-highest level in the country's four-tier weather warning system, according to the province's meteorological observatory. From Monday to...

China’s Top 100 Supermarket Chains and Retail Chains in 2023 Revealed

China’s Top 100 Supermarket Chains and Retail Chains in 2023 Revealed

Posted by - July 24, 2024

China’s Top 100 Supermarket Chains in 2023 The China Chain Store & Franchise Association recently announced its annual ranking of China’s top 100 supermarket chains for 2023. The total sales revenue of these top 100 supermarket chains in 2023 was 868 billion Chinese yuan ($119.5 billion), marking a 7.3% year-on-year decrease....

5 killed by tornadoes in east China’s Shandong Province

5 killed by tornadoes in east China’s Shandong Province

Posted by - July 6, 2024

Five people were confirmed dead after tornadoes struck the Heze City in east China's Shandong Province, said local authorities on Saturday. Tornadoes hit the Dongming County and the Juancheng County on Friday afternoon, leaving 88 people injured. Five of them were later confirmed dead after medical treatment failed, according to...


Why Ma Long, Feng Yu chosen as Chinese flag-bearers at Pairs Olympic Games

Why Ma Long, Feng Yu chosen as Chinese flag-bearers at Pairs Olympic Games

Posted by - July 24, 2024

Against all odds, 35-year-old table tennis icon Ma Long and artistic swimming team captain Feng Yu were named the flag bearers at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, during an on-line press conference from Chinese sports delegation here on Wednesday. It was the first time that the flag...

先锋视角,看见她能量 NB Hyper Sports Designed by DIDU正式发布

先锋视角,看见她能量 NB Hyper Sports Designed by DIDU正式发布

Posted by - July 22, 2024

该系列携手独立设计师品牌DIDU以律动中的女性为灵感缪斯,打造轻盈流动的风格群像。交汇运动与时尚领域的设计,融合呈现New Balance的跑步美学与设计师的先锋时尚态度,旨在以实用主义视角探索女性运动时尚的多元可能。NB Hyper Sports Designed by DIDU系列在艺术律动与前卫机能感之间取得平衡,以先锋视角呈现了女性在运动中的能量与风格。该系列汲取运动属性服装与现代时装设计的精髓,通过革新面料与工艺的应用,实现了服装的升级与创新。部分搭载一体织无缝工艺,增强贴合度并减少穿着时的束缚感,满足女性运动者对舒适度与灵活性的高要求。截断式运动背心、运动裙裤、二合一运动夹克以及透视网纱长T背心两件套等一系列核心单品,巧妙融入芭蕾舞蹈的优雅灵动,让女性运动者在每一次跃动中展现柔美与力量。精心设计的颜色搭配,丰富结合不同色调与饱和度,营造和谐而富有层次的视觉美感。出众质感赋予女性运动造型的精致与细腻,独特的设计语言个性表达着女性运动者的活力与自信,构建出既实用又具有社交属性的新运动时尚风格。层叠穿着方式的引入,增添更多穿搭可能性,适应多场景穿着需求。全新NB Hyper Sports Designed by DIDU系列服装于2024年7月19日起,在中国大陆地区通过NB GREY店铺及New Balance官方微信小程序正式发售。

Guo named as Chinese men’s basketball head coach

Guo named as Chinese men’s basketball head coach

Posted by - July 21, 2024

The Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) on Sunday announced that Guo Shiqiang has been appointed as the head coach of the Chinese men's basketball team. "In order to prepare for the FIBA World Cup in 2027 and the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 2028, the CBA has decided to appoint Guo...

Youth Basketball Championship now features eight teams

Youth Basketball Championship now features eight teams

Posted by - June 29, 2024

Eight basketball youth teams from home and abroad will compete at the 2024 Shanghai Future Star Basketball Championship from August 6 to 11.As the city's self-developed sports competition, the championship debuted last year with six international teams. Ti Gong Eight teams from home and abroad will take part in this...

Kylian Mbappe presented to 70,000 fans in Santiago Bernabeu Stadium

Kylian Mbappe presented to 70,000 fans in Santiago Bernabeu Stadium

Posted by - July 16, 2024

Kilyan Mbappe's presentation as new Real Madrid player Kylian Mbappe was officially unveiled as a new Real Madrid player in front of around 70,000 fans in the Santiago Bernabeu on Tuesday at lunchtime. The 25-year-old French international has agreed a five-year contract with the Spanish giants and he underwent his...

Where To Watch the UEFA Euro 2024 Cup in Beijing

Where To Watch the UEFA Euro 2024 Cup in Beijing

Posted by - July 3, 2024

Things are hotting up in the UEFA Euro 2024 Cup as it now heads into the Quarterfinals. Luckily for football fans, there are plenty of spots across the capital showing the beautiful game and here we’ve picked them out for you! Now, with the time difference things can get a...

跳出舒适区!崔永熙:来自中国的运动型全能侧翼 重燃冲击NBA希望

跳出舒适区!崔永熙:来自中国的运动型全能侧翼 重燃冲击NBA希望

Posted by - June 26, 2024

姓名:崔永熙(Jacky Cui)出生日期:2003年5月28日位置:小前锋/得分后卫球队:CBA广州龙狮身高:6尺7(2米01)体重:202磅(92公斤)臂展:6尺9(2米06)球员模版:科怀-莱昂纳德/米卡尔-布里奇斯/雷迪什数据统计:崔永熙2023-24赛季为球队出战了50场常规赛,场均34.8分钟可以得到15.7分6.0篮板3.3助攻1.7抢断,出现2.2失误,投篮命中率45.5%,三分命中率36.4%,罚球命中率78.6%。顺位预测:次轮末优势:1、近筐终结不错。崔永熙有不错的运动能力和身体控制能力,擅长利用空切和快攻冲击篮筐,在篮筐附近有不错的手感。崔永熙不仅能在移动中通过抛投和跑投进行终结,还时常能完成精彩的空接和扣篮。崔永熙在篮下获得机会时也很有耐心,会利用脚步和假动作找到最佳的出手机会。2、防守扎实。崔永熙尺寸足,对抗好,移动灵活,脚步轻盈,崔永熙防守时懂得利用自己的身体优势,活跃的双手配合扎实的脚步,可以不断对持球人进行干扰。崔永熙会主动进行对抗并保持防守位置,不容易吃假动作。崔永熙轮转防守中的反应很快,会主动出击破坏对手的进攻意图,不仅可以直接抢断对手,还可以提供一定的护框。崔永熙还有相对体型来说不错的篮板数据。3、技术全面。崔永熙不仅有一手稳定的三分球,还能在运球中寻找出手机会。崔永熙跑位积极,位置感不错,会留意防守者的决策伺机而动。崔永熙往往在接球前就做好了投篮准备,保证自己可以快速出手。崔永熙在开阔空间下的控运流畅,转换进攻中很有威胁。崔永熙视野开阔且乐于分享球,可以保持球的转移,准确找到空位的队友。劣势:1、身体素质不顶尖。崔永熙的身体素质并未达到精英级,比赛整体速率偏慢。崔永熙的第一步不够快,无法完全摆脱防守,影响了他的投篮。崔永熙还需要变得更加强壮,以应对大体型锋线的对抗,甚至内线球员的冲击。崔永熙在面对身体更好的对手时没有太多办法,高水平比赛中的影响力不足。2、持球能力还需精进。崔永熙的传控并未达到精英级,他从未担任过球队的主要持球手。崔永熙处理球不够果断,结合球还需要打磨,在狭小空间下容易失误和失准,抗干扰能力不强。崔永熙并不擅长开发进攻,在复杂防守下很难创造出机会。3、攻防延续性不佳。崔永熙投篮选择不够好,中距离偏多,有时还会放弃突破机会进行远投。崔永熙的投篮把握度不够好,很少连续进攻得手,有时还会错失空位机会。崔永熙防守纪律性和经验不足,会因决策失误而主动丢掉防守位置。崔永熙的防守积极性容易受情绪影响,需要在回位和抢篮板中更加努力。总结:崔永熙是一名运动型全能侧翼,他的无球意识和传球能力让其在3D侧翼中显得更加独特,但他的传控、投射和防守都没有达到精英级别。在CBA的赛场上,崔永熙可以利用身体条件和前锋技术完成很多攻防任务,但在FIBA和NBA级别的比赛中,崔永熙的发挥明显有很大的波动。崔永熙早年参加过NBA精英计划等篮球训练营,休赛期也经常在美国特训,这对他适应NBA的环境很有帮助。而在今年的训练营和球队试训中,崔永熙得到了较为乐观的反馈,他需要展现更好的持球能力,才能让NBA球队产生更大的兴趣。崔永熙作为一个有职业比赛经验和国际大赛经验的年轻球员,会在次轮成为一个可塑性很强的选择,需要侧翼深度的球队可能会给崔永熙一个机会。 跳出舒适区!崔永熙:来自中国的运动型全能侧翼 重燃冲击NBA希望 【来源:直播吧】

Rural basketball tournament eyes interactions with NBA

Rural basketball tournament eyes interactions with NBA

Posted by - April 1, 2024

By YANG JUN in Guiyang and ZHANG XIAOMIN | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-01 00:11 The Cun BA, or Village Basketball Association tournament gets underway on March 22 at Taipan village in Guizhou province's Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture. The tournament continues through November. [Photo by Wu Wei / For China...

以专业科技引领行业新里程,FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋北京SKP线下首发

以专业科技引领行业新里程,FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋北京SKP线下首发

Posted by - July 21, 2024

7月13日北京SKP,FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋迎来线下首发。这双由Vibram为高尔夫专业场景量身定制鞋底,也是国内首个融合了V底的三大核心科技的高尔夫鞋,将助力中国国家高尔夫球队出征巴黎,向世界展示中国高球的荣耀。 FILA GOLF 品牌大使、前中国高尔夫球国家集训队男队主教练梁文冲现身门店,带领媒体朋友以及来自全国各地的高尔夫球爱好者在第一时间全方位、多视角地体验FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋专业实力与高尔夫运动的魅力,同时这双中国国家高尔夫球队同款战靴首发当日即售罄,并且将于7月23日在品牌各大官网及门店全面发售。 01一日高球国手大师课 实力进阶解锁专业新体验 "它可以作为所有高尔夫爱好者的第一双专业高尔夫球鞋" 梁文冲在现场以专业高球运动员的角度,对FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋的全面性进行了认可。在高尔夫运动中,一双专业的高球鞋至关重要。它不仅需要在长时间行走时提供轻盈舒适的脚感,还要在挥杆转身时提供强悍抓力力与抗扭性,FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋创新联合Vibram三大科技、轻能科技FILA Soffio以及eVent独家防水科技等技术,缎造全能的高尔夫鞋“六边形战士”,让高球选手在球场上的每一步都充满底气,以全面且强大的专业科技实力为每次挥杆保驾护航,提升高尔夫运动体验。 为了进一步与现场的高尔夫球爱好者们共同探索高尔夫球运动的无限魅力,梁文冲还带来了宗师秘笈史无前例的大公开,亲身传递高球技法、现场示范击球动作、讲述高球趣事。 在讲解高尔夫技法时,梁文冲从站位重心、脚部位置、挥杆动作等方面进行了示范,也从击球攻略、选杆、落点考虑进行了战术分享。 答疑环节,面对高球爱好者们对赛场技术的好奇,梁文冲也是知无不言,和大家分享了在比赛中调整心态的方法、针对实现技术上的突破应做的针对性训练、提高进洞率的小技巧、纠正了常见的错误动作。针对装备的选择梁文冲也从专业运动员角度给出建议,"选择时要注重鞋子的基础性能。不管是日常训练还是正式比赛,高尔夫鞋都要具备良好的稳定性、支撑性和抓地力。还要考虑鞋子的舒适度和耐用性,材料最好是头层牛皮,不仅穿着舒适,也能延长鞋子的使用寿命。"干货内容持续输出,现场的高尔夫爱好者们也表示受益匪浅,确实是上了一堂大师课,让大家对专业高尔夫球鞋有了更深刻的认知,领会到专业科技赋能高球运动的魅力。 02打破高尔夫球鞋专业天花板 重新定义高尔夫球鞋新标杆 "专业的天花板就是用来打破的"FILA GOLF品牌营销副总监KIKO分享到,FILA GOLF一直以来的理念,就是通过专业科技赋能运动表现,让每一个热爱高尔夫,享受高尔夫的人,都能够在更专业的装备助力下,在球场上尽情享受这项运动。"专业内核,时尚引领"一直根植于FILA GOLF的品牌基因,FILA GOLF希望能够成为所有对高球有热爱的追求的人的伙伴,陪伴大家在高尔夫专业道路上持续进阶,一起向上。 FILA鞋商品高级设计师陈继贤与现场的媒体和高尔夫爱好者分享了FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋的设计理念,"在设计「挥速」时,我们一直秉持「为高尔夫专业运动场景打造」的理念。我们特别注重鞋子的稳定性、抓地力和舒适度。通过无数次的试验与调整,我们最终打造出了这款集"稳定抗扭"、轻量化材质与时尚设计于一身的国家队战靴。这也是业界首屈一指的Vibram专门为高尔夫性能需求量身定制的鞋底。" FILA GOLF将创新设计、专业技术和卓越性能结合在一起,专注于为全球高尔夫市场带来独特的风格和卓越的性能,为球手提供最佳的运动体验。高尔夫球鞋不仅是运动装备的一部分,更是球手在球场上可靠的伙伴。一双专业的高尔夫球鞋应该在不同的场地条件下提供专业的科技支持和舒适的脚感,让球手能够专注于每一杆的表现。 通盈•雁栖湖高尔夫俱乐部总经理于鹏也表示:"选错球鞋可能让你在高球场上失去优势。在高尔夫运动中,要想让鞋子在与地面之间不断撞击时还能保持稳定,摩擦力是其中关键,稳固支撑的地面连接,能让球员自信挥杆不怕滑倒。而这双鞋子对你的影响可能会超过球杆。"衡量一双优秀高尔夫球鞋的标准有很多,但能以专业科技展现高球运动的技术之美,无疑是其中不可忽视的一环,"FILA GOLF不管是产品设计还是专业科技等方面都展现了强悍的竞争力与坚韧的活力"。 FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋以科技硬实力突破行业天花板,为高尔夫装备带来了颠覆性的升级。 以用专业科技革新不断突破行业专业天花板为目标,FILA GOLF将持续以科技赋能专业表现,同中国高尔夫一起并肩。相信中国国家高尔夫球队在FILA VELOCITY挥速高球鞋的助力下定能传承高球荣耀,再续中国骄傲。我们也期待,未来越来越多的高尔夫球爱好者能够在FILA GOLF专业装备的加持下,享受更专业的运动体验与乐趣。 0

Birthday girl Cao gets maiden CLPGA win in Zhuhai playoff

Birthday girl Cao gets maiden CLPGA win in Zhuhai playoff

Posted by - June 9, 2024

SHINE Cao Xinyu poses with the trophy after winning the Golf Liquor Guangdong Women's Open at the Zhuhai Lakewood Golf Club in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province. Cao Xinyu gave herself a memorable 18th birthday present when the rookie pro defeated amateur Liu Yujie in a second-hole playoff for her...

Rescuers race to strengthen embankment at China’s second-largest freshwater lake

Rescuers race to strengthen embankment at China’s second-largest freshwater lake

Posted by - July 6, 2024

About 2,000 rescuers are racing against time to strengthen an embankment after a dike breach at China's second-largest freshwater lake in central China's Hunan Province on Friday. The embankment, which is viewed as the "second line of defense," is located about two kilometers away from the breached dike and is...

Adidas employees leave company after embezzlement investigation

Adidas employees leave company after embezzlement investigation

Posted by - June 26, 2024

German sportswear giant Adidas say two employees alleged of embezzlement have left the company following an internal investigation.An anonymous letter emerged earlier this month on Chinese social media, claiming one of its Chinese employees in charge of Adidas' marketing budget was involved in large-scale bribery.Another Adidas China manager is said...

British tennis ace Murray to retire after Paris Olympics

British tennis ace Murray to retire after Paris Olympics

Posted by - July 23, 2024

Reuters Andy Murray of Britain during practice. Three-time Grand Slam champion and two-time Olympic champion Andy Murray has confirmed on Tuesday that the Paris Olympic Games would be his last competition. "Arrived in Paris for my last ever tennis tournament," the 37-year-old wrote on social media Tuesday morning. "Competing for...

Zhang Zhizhen writes new history by roaring into Halle ATP semis

Zhang Zhizhen writes new history by roaring into Halle ATP semis

Posted by - June 22, 2024

Chinese men's tennis ace Zhang Zhizhen set a new record in China's tennis history as he outlasted American Christopher Eubanks 6-4, 4-6, 7-5 to reach the semi-finals at the Terra Wortmann Open in Halle, Germany on Friday. Zhang trailed 2-5 in the third set but rattled off five consecutive games...

YuppTV Secures Digital Telecast Rights for TATA IPL 2024 Across 70+ Countries – Thailand Business News

YuppTV Secures Digital Telecast Rights for TATA IPL 2024 Across 70+ Countries – Thailand Business News

Posted by - July 3, 2024

ATLANTA, March 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — YuppTV, a global leader in internet-based TV and on-demand South Asian content, today announced that it has successfully achieved the acquisition of digital streaming rights for the highly anticipated 17th edition of the TATA IPL 2024. The most popular cricketing league in the world...

BBC Learning English – 英语大破解 / The 2019 Cricket World Cup 2019 板球世界杯

BBC Learning English – 英语大破解 / The 2019 Cricket World Cup 2019 板球世界杯

Posted by - May 30, 2024

本集内容 The 2019 Cricket World Cup 2019 板球世界杯 学习要点 有关 “tournaments 锦标赛” 的词汇 边看边答 Which World Cup match is eagerly anticipated? 文字稿 It's cricket's moment in the sun. The World Cup has forged some of the game's most cherished memories and featured its biggest stars. And now for the first...



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Posted by June 20, 2024

Thailand is on the cusp of a significant transformation with its move towards legalizing casino gambling. This potential shift in policy could reshape the nation’s economic and tourism landscape, tapping into the lucrative global gaming market. Thailand’s potential legalization of casino gambling could significantly boost tourism, create jobs, and generate...

Can Macao be ‘new bridge’ between Western universities and China?

Posted by June 10, 2024

Often dubbed the “Las Vegas of Asia”, at first glance the gambling hotspot of Macao might seem an unlikely meeting point for international universities and mainland China. But despite what the prevalence of casinos and mega-malls might suggest, the region has long been a place of cultural fusion, explained Joseph...

Crime groups from China are fueling transnational crime across Southeast…

Posted by June 10, 2024

The substantial impact of organized crime originating from China and operating in Southeast Asia on global security underscores the expansion of transnational criminal networks involved in illegal online gambling and sophisticated scams. It is estimated that these networks pilfer around $64 billion annually. Key Points 🚨 Transnational Crime Threatens Southeast...

SkyCity推出在线赌博网站 称“为适应时代” | 新西兰中文先驱网

Posted by May 29, 2024

By 新西兰中文先驱网· 2019年08月09日 16:10 在线赌博是一个新兴的快速发展的行业,与线下实体赌场高度互补。 {{index+1}}/{{images.length}} {{images[index].imageDesc}} 查看大图 (责编:丹妮) 来源 - 新西兰先驱报中文网 分享 相关内容 打开新西兰报App查看所有评论 ...

ANZ员工给自己放贷去赌博,居然只被判分期还债? | 新西兰中文先驱网

Posted by May 24, 2024

By 新西兰中文先驱网· 2024年02月20日 11:56 以当前的条件,他每周需还款130纽币,要一直还25年。 {{index+1}}/{{images.length}} {{images[index].imageDesc}} 查看大图 分享 相关内容 打开新西兰报App查看所有评论 ...

Sun Xiaoguo handed 25-year prison term over organized crime

Posted by May 19, 2024

Sun Xiaoguo, a released convict of multiple crimes and suspect of an organized crime case, was handed a 25-year prison term Friday for committing multiple crimes including organizing and leading mafia-like organizations.All of Sun's personal assets will be confiscated, according to the verdict announced by the Intermediate People's Court of...

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